Monthly Consultations
No scheduled consultations
at this time.
Professional therapists/coaches/counselors and ministry leaders are invited to participate in our monthly 1½-hour consultations, as part of our Certification Program. You will gain invaluable insights on how to assist clients and their family members resolve relational and sexual issues.
Psychotherapists Kari Lynn and Phillip David have decades of experience and success helping clients fulfill their goals and dreams. Join us for our powerful Zoom consultations with therapists and ministry leaders from around the world.
Se invita a terapeutas / entrenadores / consejeros profesionales y líderes ministeriales a participar en nuestras consultas mensuales de una hora y media, como parte de nuestro Programa de Certificación. Obtendrá información invaluable sobre cómo ayudar a los clientes y sus familiares a resolver problemas sexuales y relacionales.
Los psicoterapeutas Kari Lynn y Phillip David tienen décadas de experiencia y éxito ayudando a los clientes a cumplir sus metas y sueños. Únase a nosotros para nuestras poderosas consultas de Zoom con terapeutas y líderes ministeriales de todo el mundo.
Certification Program fee is $450, which includes 6 consultations. If you wish Certification, click on Donate page to contribute the $450.

Counselor Training Program
Our Counselor Training Program (CTP) was developed specifically to assist men and women who experience same-sex attraction (SSA) and their loved ones. Our CTP is being used by therapists and ministry leaders in the USA, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. You may either participate in our in-person training, watch the MP4 film series (in English and Arabic, with 180-page manual), or listen to the 16-disc CD series accompanied by our 180-page manual.
In this comprehensive training program, you will learn to:
Identify what we believe are the 10 basic causes of SSA
Develop a comprehensive treatment plan
Learn our four-stage model of resolving unwanted SSA
Understand the meaning of sexual fantasies and masturbation
Employ effective therapeutic modalities in each stage of treatment
Assist clients in establishing healthy relationships with opposite sex friends and mentors
Establish protocols for support groups
Prepare former SSA men and women for dating
Discover 12 practical principles showing parents, family, and friends how to support their SSA loved ones
Psychotherapist, educator, and author Richard Cohen is the facilitator of the Counselor Training Program (CTP) Film Series and speaker on our CD series (16-discs and 180-page manual). Cohen has counseled and successfully helped hundreds of men and women who experienced SSA fulfill their potential and dreams. Additionally, he has assisted hundreds of parents in restoring relationships with their SSA loved ones, and in many cases, their children came out of homosexuality, all by setting love in order.
In this landmark Counselor Training Program film/CD series, Cohen shares the "how to's" of transformation. Practical strategies for assisting clients and their loved ones in the healing process are taught in this program.
Mr. Cohen is one of the leading experts in the field of Sexual Orientation Therapy. He is the director of the Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, and the author of four landmark books: 1) Being Gay: Nature, Nurture or Both?, 2) Gay Children, Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing 3) Straight Talk About Homosexuality: The Other Side of Tolerance, and 4) Healing Humanity: Time, Touch and Talk.
If you would like to organize a Counselor Training Program in your area, please contact our office at (301) 805-5155 or email: pathinfo@pathinfo.org.

I am so blessed to have participated in the first training for certification as a Sexual Orientation Coach with Richard Cohen. I feel it has thoroughly prepared me to deal with clients in this sensitive area. Comprehensive in scope, sensitive in approach, and detailed in methodology, this course will untangle the nuances of counseling the struggler with unwanted Same-Sex Attraction (SSA). As more therapists become familiar with this course, many SSA strugglers who have been disappointed with traditional therapeutic approaches will obtain the help they need to progress in the difficult journey towards personal wholeness and heterosexuality.
—Keith Venum, M.D., LMHC, President, Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity
No one today has more practical, real-life experience helping individuals overcome unwanted same-sex attraction than Richard Cohen. I have applied techniques and ideas that I’ve learned from Richard with great success as I’ve worked with life-coaching clients and groups. His instruction and mentoring have been invaluable.—Rich Wyler, Founder and Director, People Can Change
Thank You. It would have taken me a lifetime to come to this wisdom. I would attend this seminar again and encourage others to attend as well.
—Pastor Robin Wright, Mt. Holy Church
Richard Cohen, with his keen sensitivity and ability to empower and transform lives, is just phenomenal. Being a part of the training, responding to, and helping persons with same-sex attractions has revolutionized and empowered my ministry tremendously. I now have a relentless passion to minister in a broader context in an effort to reach all. The content of this training was consistent with the Word, a courageous Work, and challenged my Will.
—Pastor Anthony Moore, Carolina Missionary Baptist Church
The Counselor Training Program was a tremendous help to me. It was a refreshing approach to learning the many facets of healing. Cohen's hands-on approach and interpersonal training skills made for a relaxed, non-threatening learning environment. The opportunities acquired in the program were priceless. I recommend this to anyone at any level--seasoned therapist, new counselor, counseling student, pastor, mentor, or coach.